Rationale Statement:  

Employability skills are an important part of students’ learning and fundamental to creating an employable individual. Students must have skills and knowledge necessary to be good citizens, effective parents, productive workers, and, most of all, life-long learners. These standards are designed to promote successful transition from school to work.

“…number one thing that industry wants: a positive attitude, good work habits, general employability." from Job Outlook 2000-2004, National Association of Colleges and Employers

Course DescriptionThis course addresses topics associated with the workforce.  A project-based approach will be used to address topics such as; career exploration, a personal life/goal plan, employability skills, interviewing techniques, ethics in the workplace, relationships with technology and the world of work, transferable skills and abilities, and teamwork.

Topics Addressed:


Career exploration


Employment acquisition process


Workplace knowledge and skills


Suggested Grade level: 9-12

Length of Course: Semester



Daily Assignments (Class Portfolio/Group Projects) - 60%

Job Interview Project (Teacher's Grading) - 30%

Friday Participation Points (20 points per week) - 10%

Semester Test (Outside Source Grading of Job Interview Project)- 10%


Class Introduction

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Rules/Expectations/Prezi Presentation/Website

Assignment #1:  After reading through the class syllabus sheet have a parent/guardian sign and return for points by FRIDAY.

FRIDAY FUNDAY!  Note: Every Friday in Employability Skills Class will be SDMyLife &  Scholarship/College Preparation Days.  You must keep your SDMyLife login information handy.  Each Friday will be worth 20 points:  15: work completed, 5: Daily Use of Planner



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You will be given a Portfolio.  Your final semester grade will be based upon the completion of your Employability Portfolio.  


Create a Cover and Divider Pages for your portfolio using word or publisher.  All cover and divider pages should be in plastic.  All divider pages are the class topics in the left column of this chart in large blue print.  Be creative with your divider pages!  

Personality Wordle Title Page

  1. Go to the following website: or
  2. Select the "create" option
  3. Insert 100 words that best describe you and your personality.  Your "name" and "employability" should be inserted 25 times.  No other word should be used more than 15 times.
  4. Print your final "wordle" in color. It will be used as your cover for your employability portfolio.

IMPORTANT:  Create a folder for all of your computer documents from this class NOT on the public SERVER... I REPEAT NOT ON THE PUBLIC SERVER.  If I find anyone's things on the public server, they will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.  Just kidding.  But you will lose all your points for any documents I find on the public server unless I have told you to do so.  You WILL use the stuff we do in this class again in your lives so save yourself some time by saving your work! :)  

Indicator #1: Implement career interest and plan transitions to careers.

M & M Group Activity

“Fifteen Things I Love to Do” -Pages 30-31 of Energizers & IceBreakers & "Blaze a Trail for Yourself"

Personal Information

bulletAssignment #1:  All About Me

Assignment #2:  Your Future! Road Map - (Fear PowerPoint) Using a computer program such as Paint, Word, etc., you will create a Road Map to your future.  Be creative.  There could be turns in the road, stops along the way, etc.  This should be completed on normal printer paper so it will fit into your portfolio. 


Mr. Deeds


Assignment #3:  Your Plan for Life - Personal Mission Statement (Mission Statement PowerPoint) - Research what a Personal Mission Statement is (there are many examples on the internet).  I also have examples in the classroom that you may look at.  CREATE your own personal mission statement  (Mission Statement Rubric.)


Assignment #4:  School Activities & Awards - It is very important to keep track of all school and community activities and awards as they will aid you in college, scholarship, and job applications.  You may set this up as you like with different categories (such as academic awards, sports awards, etc.) or you may set it up in chronological order (freshman year, sophomore year, etc.).  You will be glad you did this!!!  Print it out for your portfolio and save a copy in your folder.  You will also input these activities into your MyPortfolio if you haven't done so already.


Assignment #5:  Exploring Careers Assignment: 


Personal Assessment

ESF1.3 Analyze personal assessment results to explore career options

Journal Entry: 

TWISTER TOURNAMENT - How does the twister tournament relate to real-life?  You competed to make it to the top of the Twister Tournament bracket, what will it take to make it to the top in regards to real-life situations and goals that you set for yourself?  Why is it important to look at your strengths and weaknesses when exploring career options?



bulletAssignment #1: South Dakota Reality Check!
bulletAssignment #2:  Follow the directions through the True Colors personality test.  Print the results of which color you are.  Write a short reaction to the True Colors Personality Test.  Do you disagree or agree with what the True Colors test determined about your personality.  Does the career path you are leaning towards follow along with your perceived Personality type?  Why or why not?
bulletAssignment #4:  Self Letter of Recommendation - You are to write a letter of recommendation about yourself as if you were someone else.  There are numerous examples of letters of recommendation available on the internet.


Career Clusters & Pathways

B.2 Examine potential career clusters and pathways

bulletAssignment #1:  Take the Career Clusters Interest Survey (Get from Bergeleen).
bulletAssignment #2: Take the   Target your interests- test.  Summarize/print out your results. 
bulletAssignment #3:  Create a summary of two careers of interest, related to the ones you targeted in the Target your Interests Survey and in career matchmaker on career cruising..

-Click here to print out the Career Research Guideline Sheet.

bulletTitle of Job
bulletDescription of Job
bulletSalary & major benefits
bulletEducation & training
bulletWorking Conditions & Hours
bulletJob Duties and Responsibilities
bulletAt LEAST one picture
bulletUse color and be creative!!!

Use outside resources such as the Dictionary of Occupational Titles , Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition, Occupational Outlook Quarterly , along with your textbook, to help you complete each Career Plan. 

bulletAssignment #4:  Interview one person in the career of which you are most interested.
bulletAssignment #5:  Participate in work-based opportunities

Job Acquisition Skills

ESF1.2 Demonstrate job acquisition skills

Blog Journal Entry:  What methods do people use to find jobs?  How is technology becoming a bigger part of finding jobs in today's society? How have you (or your parents or friends) found jobs that you (or they) have held? What do you need to acquire a job?  How important do you feel it is to be prepared for a job even before you get it?  (one page type)



CLIP:  Did you Know (How Fast Things Change) (


Exploring Sources of Job Leads

bulletAssignment #1:  Read Chapter 6.1 (pages 131-135) of the Succeeding in the World of Work textbook.  Complete this Graphic Organizer chart using the information in the text and put it in your portfolio.
bulletAssignment #2:  Find Jobs Online:  Over 120 million professionals use to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities.  It is a great way to connect with other professionals and potential employers and to present yourself in a good, professional light.  Develop a one page flyer that could be distributed at employment agencies detailing and highlighting the important characteristics and opportunities that Linkedin provides.  You must use your research skills to find more information.  (This assignment will be graded on the following:  Appropriate Design (colors, fonts): 10 Points, 5 Points about Linked In:  10 Points.)

Applying for a Job (before beginning these assignments choose a job that you could apply for right now, such as day care assistant, teacher's aide, grocery store, Venture, Halls, DK, local rancher, etc.--something that you are interested in!)

bulletAssignment #3:  Read Chapter 6.2 (pages 137-145).  Complete the attached Graphic Organizer Sheet and put it in your portfolio.
bulletAssignment #4:  JOB APPLICATION - Complete the Job Application provided to you by Kroeplin and put it in your portfolio.  NOTE: Applications often request references.  References are people who will recommend you to an employer.  Choose references carefully and be prepared to list them on the application.  Teachers, counselors, and former employers make good references Make sure you ASK PERMISSION to use people as references.  By the end of the semester you will need two letters of recommendation (one from a school official, administrator, counselor, or teacher and one from an employer or other community representative).  It may be a good idea to get a head start on this.  (These will also be useful when completing scholarship applications!)
bulletAssignment #5:  COVER LETTER - Using the information on Pages 144-145 of your textbook and the example on page 144, write a professional cover letter to the business owner that you chose before completing this unit.  Have Kroeplin check this before putting it in your portfolio.
bulletAssignment #6:  RESUME:  Go to  and using the awesome highlighter at highlight the important parts of the article.  Show Mrs. Kroeplin when done.
bulletAssignment #7:  Using what you learned at the Resume Writing website and in Chapter 6 of your textbook (Pages 142-143), and on additional web resources  create resume.  You MUST have this resume critiqued by Ms. Kroeplin AND two classmates before putting it in your portfolio.  Be SURE to save this in your Employability Skills folder!  We will also utilize the Resume Builder in your MyPortfolio on Career Cruising.

Preparing for the Interview CLIP 1, CLIP 2 (Dick & Jane

bulletAssignment #8:  Read through the Interview sections on Career Cruising.
bulletAssignment #9:  Complete the Skills Evaluation on Career Cruising.
bulletAssignment #10:  Use presentation software (such as PowerPoint or to develop a two-minute "commercial" that summarizes your skills and abilities.  Create separate slides for your job skills, personal qualities, career goals, hobbies and interests, and educational achievements, as well as a slide with quotations from your teachers, coworkers, or work supervisors.  Present your live "commercial" as if you were presenting it during an interview for an appropriate job.  (print out slides in handout form and put in your portfolio after presentation).
bulletNote:  After completing your Job Interview portfolio you will participate in a Mock Interview.

Work Ethics

ESF1.1 Describe work ethic attributes necessary for success.

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Blog Journal Entry:  What basic ethics should guide the behavior of a well-known business leader?  In what ways-if any- should that leader's ethics differ from those of a part-time worker in the leader's company?    Pick a negative or unethical trait that you sometimes see in yourself.  What are some ways that you could improve that negative trait?

The Office Clip 1:  The Office Clip (Write down all times you notice a showing/lack of work ethics.)

Work Ethics Clip 2: The Exorcism of Emily Rose

bulletAssignment #1:  Read Chapter 9 in Succeeding in the World of Work book and create a Word Document of Vocabulary Words (Save in your folder on the public server).
bulletAssignment #2:  YOU BE THE BOSS: pretend you are the boss of a job that you would be interested in applying for.  Using a computer program such as word, publisher, etc., create a checklist of the ethics, qualities, skills, abilities, etc., that you would expect from someone applying to work for you.  Be creative.
bulletAssignment #3:  PROFESSIONALISM ASSIGNMENTS:  View the Who is a Professional PowerPoint.  Read "The Seven Characteristics of a Professional".  Complete the "What Not To Do" Video Project in groups of 4. (May use Windows Movie Maker,, etc.)

Indicator #2: Differentiate factors within the workplace.


Professional Development

bulletGroup Projects:  Groups/Partners will each be assigned a chapter related to professional development which they will teach the rest of the class.
bulletThose chapters include: Chapters 13-18

Safe Practices in the Work Place

ESF2.1 Classify safe practices in work places. 

Journal Entry: Your first day on a new job can make you feel both excited and anxious.  In your journal write a list of five or six questions and concerns you might have on your first d.  Then list things you could do to answer your questions and address your concerns.

The History of Workplace Healthy & Safety Clip, to the 1920's
The History of Workplace Health & Safety Clip, 1930's to WWII
The History of Workplace Health & Safety Clip, WWII to OSHA
bulletAssignment #1:  Read Chapter 8 answering the Review Key Concepts at the end of both sections (type these in a word document and put them in your portfolio.)
bulletAssignment #2:  Orientation Program - Situation:  You are part of a four-person human resources team for a large company.  You need to develop an orientation program for new employees.  Activity:  Design a presentation about the company to welcome new employees to their jobs.  You can choose to invent a company or choose an existing one.  Present the company to the class using an overhead transparency, poster, or PowerPoint presentation.  Be prepared to answer questions that would typically be asked by a new employee.  Evaluation:  Your group will be evaluated on how well it meets the following performance indicators: 1. Give an overview of the company's values and mission. 2. Describe the company's policies and procedures. 3. Explain the various benefits offered to employees.
bulletAssignment #3:  Choose a career that you are interested in and research state and/or national safety requirements for the selected occupation.  Print them out for your binder.

Employer & Employee Rights and Responsibilities

ESF2.2 Differentiate employer and employee rights and responsibilities.

Journal Entry:  List five words or phrases that come to mind when you hear these terms:  police officer, lawyer, judge.  What do you think your responses say about your understanding of-and attitude toward-our legal system?

bulletAssignment #1:  Read Chapter 12.  Complete the graphic organizer for both sections and put them in your portfolio.
bulletAssignment #2:  Class Activity:  Working in a group of three, come up with an example of a dispute that would require arbitration.  Decide who will be the arbitrator, and have the other two group members defend opposite sides of the dispute.  After listening to both arguments, the arbitrator should make a judgment in favor of one side, explaining his or her reasons.  Then switch roles until all group members have had a chance to be the arbitrator.


Diversity Issues

A.5 Attribute diversity issues related to employment.


bulletResearch the beliefs and cultures of several ethnic groups.
bulletReview case studies related to diversity issues.



Every Friday is worth 20 Points

5 Points for Planner

15 Points for Participation


bulletAshton Kutcher has something to tell you! (

"How will you find your opportunities? How are you going to pay for college?"

bulletWhen America Goes to College Prezi (
bulletWhen America Goes to College: How do we fix this problem? (Journal Questions/Class Discussion). In groups, come up with a possible solution to this problem (making college affordable)? Class presentations.
bulletAvenues for financial aid: Class will review website, watch video clips.
bulletNY Times "Obama to Offer Plans to Ease Burdens of Paying for College"


FAFSA (  Free Application for Federal Student Aid

bullet"Money Watch" Clip - How to pay for college. 
bulletFAFSA video clips (



Note:  This project may be used for a STAR Event at District Meeting in January.  If you receive a Superior rating, you will advance on to the State FCCLA Leadership Meeting.

You will be given a copy of the specifications for the project.  DO NOT LOSE IT!

ASSIGNMENT:  Using documents previously constructed in this class, complete the Job Interview Project

ALTERNATIVE ASSIGNMENT: Complete the MyLIFE Lessons below.

Project Identification Page

One 8.5" x 11" page on plain white paper, with no graphics or decorations; must include participant's name, chapter name, school, city, state, FCCLA national region (central region), and job title desired.

FCCLA Planning Process Summary Page

One 8.5" x 11" summary page of how each step of the Planning Process was used to plan and implement the project; use of the Planning Process may also be described in the oral presentation.

Job Specification Sheet

Give name of employer, job title, short job description, required hours, and wages typically offered for this job.

Business Communication

Include cover letter, resume, and two letters of recommendation (one from a school official, administrator, counselor, or teacher and one from an employer or other community representative).

School-Based Learning

Describe school-based learning that enhances employability.  Include a summary of school activities; career research projects; application of Family and Consumer Sciences and/or related occupations skills and their relationship to job; and an example of ability to communicate in written form.
bulletIn a WORD Document list classes that you have taken that will help you in a future career.  For Example:

English II (Speech)

-The speaking skills that I developed in Speech class will help me in a future career because it has taught me the skills to be able to communicate with my co-workers, give a presentation, lead group meetings, etc.

Go through and do this for each class that you can think of and write how what you learned in those classes applies to future skills and abilities needed on the job.  (Math classes, Science Classes, Social Studies, Music, Art, FACS, Ag, Etc.)



Work-Based Learning

Describe work-based learning that enhances employability.  Include career development planning; summaries of job shadowing, internships, apprenticeships, informational interviews, or community service projects; and/or products developed during these experiences.

Examples of Special Skills

Include up to five examples of special skills, talents, and/or abilities related to job and career goals.  These may be in any format but must fit within the dimensions of the portfolio.  Audio and/or video recording may be included in the portfolio but will not be considered by evaluators.

Alternative Life Skills Assignment -

MyLIFE Lessons

bulletAssignment #1:  MyLIFE Lessons

DIRECTIONS: The lessons below are very worthwhile and make you think a lot about the responsibilities that you will have when you are on your own, which is not far away for most of you!  Do your best to start working through these lessons.  You can have fun with it since you actually get to pick what you would choose in real life.  READ THE DIRECTIONS and you should have no problem.  Print off the sheets after you have filled them in and put them in your portfolios.  There should end up being one for each lesson.

Lesson 1- Renting an Apartment
Lesson 1- Buying a home
Lesson 2 - Transportation
Lesson 3 - Monthly Bills (Chapter 20)
Lesson 4 - Living Independently
Lesson 5 - Career Exploration
Lesson 6 - Shop 'til You Drop

bulletAssignment #2:  Life Skills Project

Balancing Work & Personal Life

Setting Up Your Own Household

Work, Family, and Community



School Based Learning


Highmore High School Family & Consumer Sciences and Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America.